«Autobiography (1965-66)»

Miquel Martí i Pol
Miquel Martí i Pol

From my mother’s womb
--as they say in the books—
I went directly to the factory.
And I felt desolate and lonely
when they gave me my smock.

The first few days I cried in corners
and the din of the machines
rang in my head
for twenty-four hours.

It was a hard way to grow up,
I admit.
But now my hide is as hard
as the rest of them,
I have left behind all that might
remind me of the years of effort
and I await in peace the time to return
to the bosom of the earth
--as they say in the books.

MARTÍ I POL, Miquel «Autobiography (1965-66)». Atlanta Review, (primavera-estiu 2003).

Traduït per John L. Getman

John L. Getman