Llibres de Heròdot

Estudis sobre Heròdot:

  • Fowler, Robert L. (1996). "Herodotos and His Contemporaries", Journal of Hellenic Studies 116 (ps. 62-87).
  • Griffiths, Alan (2006). "Stories and Storytelling in the Histories", in C. Dewald & J. Marincola (ed.), The Cambridge Companion to Herodotus, Cambridge (ps. 130-144).
  • Slings, Simon R. (2002). "Oral Strategies in the Language of Herodotus", in E. J. Bakker, I. J. F. de Jong, H. van Wees (ed.), Brill’s Companion to Herodotus, Leiden-Boston-Köln (ps. 53-77).
  • Wesselmann, Katharina (2011). Mythische Erzählstrukturen in Herodots Historien, Berlin & Boston.
Mapa del món segons Heròdot