Traduccions Català a Anglès
. Four postwar Catalan poets Compiled and translated by David. H.
Rosenthal. Coauthor: Miquel Martí i Pol. New York: Cross-Cultural
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Modern Catalan poetry: an anthology Poems selected and translated
from the Catalan by David H. Rosenthal. Saint Paul: New Rivers Press, 1979
Teresa d', ARENYS. Poemes. International Poetry Review
New York, Spring 1982. Vol. VII, Number 1, pp. 84-91
Francesc, PARCERISAS. Poemes (seleccions) International
Poetry Review (Greensboro, N. C., EUA), vol. VIII, núm. 1, 1982, p. 94-105
Mercè, RODOREDA. Two Tales (seleccions) New York: Red Ozier,
Joanot, MARTORELL. Tirant lo Blanc Coautor: Martí Joan de Galba.
Londres: Macmillan London, 1984; New York: Schoken Books, 1984
Mercè, RODOREDA. My Christina & other stories [La Meva Cristina
i altres contes]. Washington: Graywolf, 1984
Mercè, RODOREDA. The Times of the Doves [La Plaça del Diamant]. New
York: Taplinger, 1980; Londres; Arrow, 1986; Saint Paul (Minesota): Graywolf,
Mercè, RODOREDA. The Salamander [ La salamandra ] .
“Catalan review”, II: 2, 1987, p. 49-58
J. V, FOIX. When I sleep, then I see clearly (seleccions) New
York: Persea Books, 1988
Joan, PERUCHO. Natural history [Les Històries naturals]. New York:
Alfred A. Knopf, 1988
Ramon, LLULL. The Book of the beasts [El Llibre de les bèsties].
Barcelona: Quaderns Crema, 1990
Vicent, ANDRÉS ESTELLÉS. Nights that make the night (seleccions)
New York: Persea Books, 1992
Víctor, CATALÀ. Solitude [Solitud] Columbia: Readers
International, 1992
Mercè, RODOREDA. Camellia Street [El Carrer de les Camèlies]. Saint
Paul: Graywolf, 1993
Joan, SALES. Uncertain Glory [Incerta glòria]. Houston: American
Institute for Catalan Studies, 2002