Llibres de Doris Lessing
Cicle de novel·les Children of Violence (1952-69):
- Martha Quest. Children of Violence. Londres: Michael Joseph Publishers, 1952.
- A Proper Marriage. Londres: Michael Joseph Publishers, 1954.
- A Ripple from the Storm. Children of Violence. Londres: Michael Joseph Publishers, 1958.
- Landlocked. Children of Violence. Londres: MacGibbon & Kee, 1965.
- The Four-Gated City. Children of Violence. Londres: MacGibbon & Kee, 1969.
Cicle de novel·les Canopus in Argos (1979-83):
- Shikasta Re: Colonised Planet 5. Canopus in Argos. Londres: Jonathan Cape Ltd, 1979.
- The Marriages Between Zones Three, Four and Five. Canopus in Argos: Archives. Londres: Jonathan Cape Ltd, 1980.
- The Sirian Experiments. Canopus in Argos: Archives. Londres: Jonathan Cape Ltd, 1981.
- The Making of the Representative for Planet 8. Canopus in Argos: Archives. Londres: Jonathan Cape Ltd, 1982.
- The Sentimental Agents in the Volyen Empire. Canopus in Argos: Archives. Londres: Jonathan Cape Ltd, 1983.
- The Grass is Singing. Londres: Michael Joseph Publishers, 1950.
- The Golden Notebook. Londres: Michael Joseph Publishers, 1962.
- Briefing for a Descent into Hell. Londres: Jonathan Cape Ltd, 1971.
- The Summer Before the Dark. Londres: Jonathan Cape Ltd, 1973.
- The Memoirs of a Survivor. Carolina del Nord: Octagon, 1974.
- The Diary of a Good Neighbour by Jane Somers. Londres: Michael Joseph Publishers, 1983.
- If the Old Could by Jane Somers. Londres: Michael Joseph Publishers, 1984.
- The Diaries of Jane Somers. Londres: Michael Joseph Publishers, 1984.
- The Good Terrorist. Londres: Jonathan Cape, Ltd, 1985.
- The Fifth Child. Londres: Jonathan Cape, Ltd, 1988.
- Love, Again. Londres: Flamingo, 1996.
- Playing the Game. Londres: HarperCollins, 1995.
- Mara and Dann. An Adventure. Londres: Flamingo, 1999.
- Ben, in the World. Londres: Flamingo, 2000.
- The Sweetest Dream. Londres: Flamingo, 2001.
- The Story of a General Dann and Mara's Daughter, Griot and the snow dog . Londres: Fourth State, 2005.
- The Cleft. Londres: Fourth State, 2007.
- Fourteen Poems . Londres: Scorpion Press, 1959.
- The Wolf People- INPOPA Anthology 2002: Poems by Doris Lessing, Robert Twigger and TH Benson. Londres: Institute of Poetic Patience, 2002.
- Under My Skin. Volume One of my Autobiography, to 1949. Londres: HarperCollins, 1994.
- Walking in the Shade. Volume two of my autobiography, 1949 to 1962. Londres: HarperCollins, 1997.
Narrativa breu:
- This was the old chief's country. Londres: Michael Joseph Publishers, 1951.
- Five . Londres: Michael Joseph Publishers,1953.
- The Habit of Loving . Londres: MacGibbon & Kee, 1957.
- A Man and Two Women. Londres: MacGibbon & Kee, 1963.
- African Stories. Londres: Michael Joseph Publishers,1964.
- The Black Madonna. L'Índia: Panther,1966.
- Winter in July. L'Índia: Panther, 1966.
- The Story of a Non-Marrying Man. Londres: Jonathan Cape Ltd, 1972.
- The temptation of Jack Orkney and other stories. Nova York: Alfred A. Knopf Publishers, 1972.
- The sun between their feet collected african stories. Volume two. Londres: Michael Joseph Publishers, 1973.
- This was the old chief's country. Collected African stories volume one. Londres: Michael Joseph Publishers, 1973.
- Stories . Nova York: Alfred A. Knopf Publishers, 1978.
- To Room Nineteen. Collected stories volume one. Londres: Jonathan Cape Ltd, 1978.
- The temptation of Jack Orkney. Collected stories volume two. Londres: Jonathan Cape Ltd, 1978.
- Through the tunnel. A creative short story. Surrey: Creative Education, 1990
- The real thing. Stories and sketches. Londres: HarperCollins, 1992.
- London Observed Stories and sketches . Londres: HarperCollins, 1992.
- Spies I have Known and other stories . Londres: Collins Educational, 1995.
- The Pit . Phoenix: Orion House, 1996.
- The Grandmothers. Londres: Flamingo, 2003.
- Each his own wilderness. Inclòs en el llibre New English Dramatists . Londres: Penguin, 1959.
- Play with a Tiger. A Play in Three Acts . Londres: Michael Joseph Publishers, 1962.
- Play with a Tiger and Other Plays. Londres: Flamingo, 1996.
Doris Lessing